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Episode 12

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Friday 2022.06.24 @ 9:00 AM Pacific time / 11:00 AM Central time

Guest: Josh Long

Josh Long is a Spring developer advocate, Java champion, author of numerous books, trainer, open-source contributor, podcaster and YouTuber. Josh is famous for the greeting "hi, Spring fans!", often the opener to many of his past podcasts and blog entries on the Spring framework and related technologies.

Your Host: Eitan Suez

Eitan will be hosting this episode.

Topic: A conversation with Josh Long

In this episode we catch up with Josh and find out what projects he's working on, what technologies are on his radar, what has him excited, but most of all, we will be discussing the intersection of all things Spring and service meshes.

If you work with the Spring framework, build Spring applications, are familiar with the Spring ecosystem of projects including Spring Cloud, this episode is for you, Spring fan!