Connect VM Workloads to Istio mesh¶
This document is a recipe illustrating Istio mesh expansion using a single network and a single cluster.
We install Istio and deploy all BookInfo services to the mesh, with the exception of the ratings service, which will run separately on a VM.
The idea is to make this work, and thereby to demonstrate that Istio supports a mesh where some services run in-cluster and some outside it.
The artifacts referenced in these instructions can be obtained from the GitHub repository for this site.
- A GCP or other cloud account
Create K8s Cluster¶
Wait until cluster is ready.
Create the VM¶
gcloud compute instances create my-mesh-vm --tags=mesh-vm \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
--network=default --subnet=default \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
Install ratings app on the VM¶
Wait for the machine to be ready.
Copy over the ratings app
ssh onto the VM
Install nodejs, the ratings app and start it, test it.
Install dependencies
Run the app:
Test the app.
Retrieve a rating.
Allow POD-to-VM traffic on port 9080¶
CLUSTER_POD_CIDR=$(gcloud container clusters describe my-istio-cluster --format=json | jq -r '.clusterIpv4Cidr')
gcloud compute firewall-rules create "cluster-pods-to-vm" \
--source-ranges=$CLUSTER_POD_CIDR \
--target-tags=mesh-vm \
--action=allow \
Install Istio¶
istioctl install \
Deploy BookInfo (sans ratings)¶
Turn on sidecar-injection.
Deploy the reviews service.
Important: the reviews service uses an environment variable named
that we use to adjust the ratings app target url to reflect the fact that it resides in a different namespace. -
Deploy the remaining services.
Install east-west gateway and expose Istiod¶
Control plane traffic between the VM and istiod goes through this gateway (see the Istio documentation).
Install the gateway
Expose istiod
Create the ratings namespace and service account¶
The ratings service running on the VM will map to the ratings namespace in kubernetes.
Create the WorkloadGroup¶
A WorkloadGroup is a template for WorkloadEntry objects, see the Istio reference.
istioctl x workload group create \
--name "ratings" \
--namespace "ratings" \
--labels app="ratings" \
--serviceAccount "bookinfo-ratings" > workloadgroup.yaml
Apply the workloadgroup:
Generate VM artifacts¶
istioctl x workload entry configure \
--file workloadgroup.yaml \
--output vm_files \
Note: check that vm_files/hosts
is not blank. If it is, it means you ran the command too soon. Re-run it.
VM configuration recipe¶
Copy the generated artifacts to the VM.
Ssh onto the VM
And, on the VM, run the following commands (taken from here).
sudo mkdir -p /etc/certs
sudo cp ~/root-cert.pem /etc/certs/root-cert.pem
sudo mkdir -p /var/run/secrets/tokens
sudo cp ~/istio-token /var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token
curl -LO
sudo dpkg -i istio-sidecar.deb
sudo cp ~/cluster.env /var/lib/istio/envoy/cluster.env
sudo cp ~/mesh.yaml /etc/istio/config/mesh
sudo sh -c 'cat $(eval echo ~$SUDO_USER)/hosts >> /etc/hosts'
sudo mkdir -p /etc/istio/proxy
sudo chown -R istio-proxy /etc/certs /var/run/secrets /var/lib/istio /etc/istio/config /etc/istio/proxy
Exercise 1¶
Watch the WorkloadEntry get created as a consequence of the VM registering with the mesh.
On the VM:
Notice the workload entry show up in the listing. This can take up to a minute.
Exercise 2¶
Although the ratings service does not need to call back into the mesh, we can manually test communication from the VM into the mesh.
From the VM, run:
Exercise 3¶
Test communication from a pod to the ratings service running on the VM.
Create a ClusterIP service to front the application:
Create a temporary client pod in the default namespace
From within the container, run the curl command:
Finally, exit
the container.
Put it all together¶
Expose BookInfo:
Grab your load balancer public IP address:
GATEWAY_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
Open a browser and visit the BookInfo product page (at /productpage). Verify that you can see ratings on the page.