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Sidecar injection

This lab explores sidecar injection in Istio.


Istio provides both a manual and an automatic mechanism for injecting sidecars alongside workloads.

In this lab you will use the manual method, because it provides the opportunity to inspect the transformed deployment manifest even before applying it to a target Kubernetes cluster.

You will learn about automatic sidecar injection in the next lab.

Generate a Pod spec

The kubectl command's dry-run flag provides a simple way to generate and capture a simple pod specification.

Generate a Pod spec for a simple web server, as follows:

kubectl run mywebserver --image nginx \
    --dry-run=client -oyaml > nginx-pod.yaml

Inspect the contents of the generated file. Here it is below, slightly cleaned up:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: mywebserver
  name: mywebserver
  - name: mywebserver
    image: nginx

The main thing to note at this point is that this Pod spec consists of a single container using the image nginx.

Transform the Pod spec

The istioctl command provides the convenient kube-inject subcommand, that can transform such a specification into one that includes the necessary sidecar.

  1. Learn the kube-inject command's usage:

    istioctl kube-inject --help
  2. Use the command to generate and capture the full sidecar-injected manifest to a new file named transformed.yaml.

    Show me how
    istioctl kube-inject --filename ./nginx-pod.yaml > transformed.yaml

Study the sidecar container specification

The modified Pod specification now includes a second container.

Here is the salient part:

  - name: istio-proxy
    - proxy
    - sidecar
    - --domain
    - $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
    - --proxyLogLevel=warning
    - --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error
    - --log_output_level=default:info
    - --concurrency
    - "2"
    - ...

The container name is istio-proxy and the docker image is istio/proxyv2.

What command is actually run?

To find out what command actually runs inside that container, we can inspect the docker container specification and view the Entrypoint field:

docker pull
docker inspect istio/proxyv2:1.22.0 | grep Entrypoint -A 2

Here is the output:

"Entrypoint": [

We learn that the name of the command is pilot-agent.

By extracting the arguments from the yaml, we can reconstitute the full command executed inside the sidecar container:

pilot-agent proxy sidecar \
    --domain $(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local \
    --proxyLogLevel=warning \
    --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error \
    --log_output_level=default:info \
    --concurrency "2"

Apply the manifest

  1. Deploy the transformed manifest to Kubernetes:

    kubectl apply -f transformed.yaml
  2. List pods in the default namespace

    kubectl get pod

    Once the pod reaches Running state, note the READY column in the output displays 2 out of 2 containers:

    mywebserver   2/2     Running   0          36s

Study the running processes

Run the ps command from inside the sidecar container, like so:

kubectl exec mywebserver -c istio-proxy -- ps -ef

Here is the output, slightly cleaned up, showing both the pilot-agent process, and the envoy process that it bootstrapped:

  1     0 /usr/local/bin/pilot-agent proxy sidecar --domain ...
 16     1 /usr/local/bin/envoy -c etc/istio/proxy/envoy-rev.json ...

We can learn more about the pilot-agent command by running pilot-agent --help from inside the sidecar container:

kubectl exec mywebserver -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent --help

Study the initContainers specification

Besides injecting a sidecar container, the transformation operation also adds an initContainers section.

Here is the relevant section:

  - name: istio-init
    - istio-iptables
    - -p
    - "15001"
    - -z
    - "15006"
    - -u
    - "1337"
    - -m
    - -i
    - '*'
    - -x
    - ""
    - -b
    - '*'
    - -d
    - 15090,15021,15020
    - --log_output_level=default:info

The "initContainer" uses the same image as the sidecar container: istio/proxyv2. The difference lies in the command that is run when the Pod initializes.

Here is the reconstituted command with long-form versions of each option, to clarify the instruction:

pilot-agent istio-iptables \
    --envoy-port "15001" \
    --inbound-capture-port "15006" \
    --proxy-uid "1337" \
    --istio-inbound-interception-mode REDIRECT \
    --istio-service-cidr '*' \
    --istio-service-exclude-cidr "" \
    --istio-inbound-ports '*' \
    --istio-local-exclude-ports 15090,15021,15020 \

For a full description of the istio-iptables subcommand and its options, run:

kubectl exec mywebserver -c istio-proxy -- pilot-agent istio-iptables --help

The gist of the command is that, through iptables rules, the routing of network packets inside the Pod is reconfigured to give Envoy the chance to intercept and proxy inbound and outbound traffic.

We need not concern ourselves with the specific port numbers, exclusions, and other low-level details at this time.

The lesson of this exercise is to learn how to get at these details.

Going forward..

The above process of transforming a deployment manifest on its way to the Kube API Server is streamlined when using automatic sidecar injection.

The next lab will walk you through how automatic sidecar injection is accomplished.

From here on, we will use automatic sidecar injection when deploying workloads to the mesh.


kubectl delete -f transformed.yaml