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Circuit breakers

This lab demonstrate how to configure circuit breaking both with and without outlier detection in Istio.

Prerequisites and setup

  • Kubernetes with Istio and other tools (Prometheus, Zipkin, Grafana) installed
  • web-frontend and customers workloads already deployed and running.

Revise the Istio installation configuration

Modify the installation of Istio to use the demo profile which enables high levels of tracing, which is convenient for this lab.

istioctl install --set profile=demo

Install Fortio

Let us try and generate some load to the web-frontend workload and see the distribution of responses.

We'll use Fortio to generate load on the web-frontend service.

  1. Deploy Fortio

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: fortio
        app: fortio
        service: fortio
      - port: 8080
        name: http
        app: fortio
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: fortio
          app: fortio
            # This annotation causes Envoy to serve cluster.outbound statistics via 15000/stats
            # in addition to the stats normally served by Istio.
                - "cluster.outbound"
                - "cluster_manager"
                - "listener_manager"
                - "server"
                - "cluster.xds-grpc"
            app: fortio
          - name: fortio
            image: fortio/fortio:latest
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8080
              name: http-fortio
            - containerPort: 8079
              name: grpc-ping

    Above, notice the annotation, which configures the inclusion of additional Envoy metrics (aka statistics) including circuit breaking.

    Save the above file to fortio.yaml and deploy it:

    kubectl apply -f fortio.yaml
  2. Make a single request to make sure everything is working:

    kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- fortio curl web-frontend

    The above command should result in an HTTP 200 "OK" response from the web-frontend app.

  3. With fortio, we can generate a load of 50 requests with two concurrent connections like this:

    kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
      fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 50 -quiet web-frontend

    All 50 requests should succeed. That is the meaning of Code 200 : 50 in the output.


Fortio also has a GUI, to access it:

  1. Port-forward the deployment's port

    kubectl port-forward deploy/fortio 8080
  2. In a browser, visit http://localhost:8080/fortio

Circuit breaker - connection pool settings

Study the following DestionationRule:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: web-frontend
  host: web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local
        http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 # (1)
        http2MaxRequests: 1 # (2)
        maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 # (3)
  1. The maximum number of pending HTTP requests to a destination.
  2. The maximum number of concurrent requests to a destination.
  3. The maximum number of requests per connection.

It configures the connection pool for web-frontend with very low thresholds, to easily trigger the circuit breaker.

Save the above YAML to cb-web-frontend.yaml and apply the changes:

kubectl apply -f cb-web-frontend.yaml

Since all values are set to 1, we won't trigger the circuit breaker if we send the request using one connection and one request per second.

If we increase the number of connections and send more requests (i.e. 2 workers sending requests concurrently, and sending 50 requests), we'll start getting errors.

The errors happen because the http2MaxRequests is set to 1 and we have more than 1 concurrent request being sent. Additionally, we're exceeding the maxRequestsPerConnection limit.

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
  fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 50 -quiet web-frontend
Code 200 : 24 (48.0 %)
Code 503 : 26 (52.0 %)


To reset the metric counters, run:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c istio-proxy -- curl -sX POST localhost:15000/reset_counters

The x-envoy-overloaded header

When a request is dropped due to circuit breaking, the response will contain a response header x-envoy-overloaded with value "true".

One way to see this header is to run a fortio load with two concurrent connections in one terminal for a couple of minutes:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
  fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -t 2m --allow-initial-errors -quiet http://web-frontend

In a separate terminal, invoke a single request:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- fortio curl http://web-frontend

Here is an example response to a dropped request:

> HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
> x-envoy-overloaded: true
> content-length: 81
> content-type: text/plain
> date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:25:37 GMT
> server: envoy
> upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: overflowcommand terminated with exit code 1

Then press Ctrl+C to interrupt the load generation.

Observe failures in Zipkin

Open the Zipkin dashboard:

istioctl dash zipkin

In the Zipkin UI, list failing traces by clicking the "+" button in the search field and specifying the query: tagQuery=error. Then click the Run Query button.

Pick a failing trace to view the details.

The requests are failing because the circuit breaker is tripped. Response flags are set to UO (Upstream Overflow) and the status code is 503 (service unavailable).

Prometheus metrics

Another option is looking at the Prometheus metrics directly.

Open the Prometheus dashboard:

istioctl dash prometheus

Apply the following PromQL query:

envoy_cluster_upstream_rq_pending_overflow{app="fortio", cluster_name="outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local"}

The query shows the metrics for requests originating from the fortio app and going to the web-frontend service.

The upstream_rq_pending_overflow and other metrics are described in the Envoy documentation.

Noteworthy are circuit-breaking specific metrics showing the state of various circuit breakers. For example rq_open indicates whether the "requests" circuit breaker is open, and its companion remaining_rq indicates how many requests remain to trip the corresponding circuit breaker.

We can also look at the metrics directly from the istio-proxy container in the Fortio Pod:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c istio-proxy -- \
  pilot-agent request GET stats | grep web-frontend | grep pending
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.circuit_breakers.default.remaining_pending: 1
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.circuit_breakers.default.rq_pending_open: 0
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.circuit_breakers.high.rq_pending_open: 0
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_active: 0
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject: 0
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_overflow: 26
cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.upstream_rq_pending_total: 24


Yet another convenient way to look at the stats emitted by an Envoy sidecar is via the Envoy dashboard:

istioctl dashboard envoy deploy/fortio

In the web ui, click on the "stats" endpoint, and filter by target outbound cluster "web-frontend".

Resolving the errors

To resolve these errors, we can adjust the circuit breaker settings.

Increase the maximum number of concurrent requests to 2 (http2MaxRequests), as shown below:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: web-frontend
  host: web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local
        http1MaxPendingRequests: 1
        http2MaxRequests: 2
        maxRequestsPerConnection: 1

Save the above YAML to cb-web-frontend.yaml and apply the changes:

kubectl apply -f cb-web-frontend.yaml

If we re-run Fortio with the same parameters, we'll notice less failures this time:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
  fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 50 -quiet web-frontend
Code 200 : 39 (78.0 %)
Code 503 : 11 (22.0 %)

Since we're sending more than 1 request per connection, we can increase the maxRequestsPerConnection to 2:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: web-frontend
  host: web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local
        http1MaxPendingRequests: 1
        http2MaxRequests: 2
        maxRequestsPerConnection: 2

Save the above YAML to cb-web-frontend.yaml and apply the changes:

kubectl apply -f cb-web-frontend.yaml

If we re-run Fortio this time, we'll get zero or close to zero HTTP 503 responses. Even if we increase the number of requests per second, we should only get a small number of 503 responses. To get rid of the remaining failing requests, we can increase the http1MaxPendingRequests to 2:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: web-frontend
  host: web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local
        http1MaxPendingRequests: 2
        http2MaxRequests: 2
        maxRequestsPerConnection: 2

With these settings (assuming 2 concurrent connections), we can easily handle a higher number of requests.

To be clear, the numbers we used in settings are just examples and are not realistic - we set them intentionally low to make the circuit breaker easier to trip.

Before continuing, delete the DestinationRule:

kubectl delete destinationrule web-frontend

Reset the metric counters:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c istio-proxy -- \
  curl -X POST localhost:15000/reset_counters

Outlier detection

The circuit breaker is great when we want to protect the services from a sudden burst of requests. However, how can we protect the services in case of failures?

For example, if we have a service that is still failing after multiple requests, it doesn't make sense to send even more requests to it. Instead, we can remove the instance of the failing service from the load balancing pool for a certain period of time. That way, we know that the requests will go to other instances of the service. After a pre-defined period of time, we can bring the failing service back into the load balancing pool.

This process is called outlier detection. Just like in the connection pool settings, we can configure outlier detection in the DestinationRule.

To see the outlier detection in action we need a service that is failing. We'll create a web-frontend-failing deployment and configure it to return HTTP 503 responses:

Click for web-frontend-failing.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: web-frontend-failing
    app: web-frontend
  replicas: 4
      app: web-frontend
        app: web-frontend
        version: v1
      serviceAccountName: web-frontend
        - image:
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: web
            - containerPort: 8080
            - name: CUSTOMER_SERVICE_URL
              value: 'http://customers.default.svc.cluster.local'
            - name: ERROR_RATE
              value: '100'
            - name: ERROR_STATUS_CODE
              value: '500'

Save the above YAML to web-frontend-failing.yaml and apply it to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f web-frontend-failing.yaml

If we run Fortio we'll see that majority (roughly, 80%) of the requests will be failing. That's because the web-frontend-failing deployment has more replicas than the "good" deployment.

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
  fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 50 -quiet web-frontend
Code 200 : 9 (18.0 %)
Code 500 : 41 (82.0 %)

Let's look at an example of outlier detection configuration:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: web-frontend
  host: web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local
      consecutive5xxErrors: 1 # (1)
      interval: 5s # (2)
      baseEjectionTime: 60s # (3)
      maxEjectionPercent: 100 # (4)
  1. Number of 5xx errors in a row that will trigger the outlier detection.
  2. The interval at which the hosts are checked whether they need to be ejected.
  3. The duration of time an outlier is ejected from the load balancing pool. If the same host is ejected multiple times, the ejection time increases by multiplying the base ejection time by the number of times the host is ejected.
  4. The maximum percentage of hosts that can be ejected.

Save the YAML to outlier-web-frontend.yaml and apply it:

kubectl apply -f outlier-web-frontend.yaml

If we repeat the test, we might get a similar distribution of responses the first time. However, if we repeat the command (once the outliers were ejected), we'll get a much better distribution:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c fortio -- \
  fortio load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 50 -quiet web-frontend
Code 200 : 50 (100.0 %)

The reason for more HTTP 200 responses is because as soon as the failing hosts were ejected (failing Pods from the web-frontend-failing deployment), the requests were sent to the other host that doesn't fail. If we waited until after the 60 second baseEjectionTime expired, the failing hosts would be brought back into the load balancing pool and we'd get a similar distribution of responses as before (majority of them failing).

We can also look at the metrics from the outlier detection in the same way we did for the circuit breakers:

kubectl exec deploy/fortio -c istio-proxy -- \
  pilot-agent request GET stats | grep web-frontend | grep ejections_total

Produces output similar to this:

cluster.outbound|80||web-frontend.default.svc.cluster.local.outlier_detection.ejections_total: 4


Other metrics that we can look at are ejections_consecutive_5xx, ejections_enforced_total or any other metric with outlier_detection in its name. The full list of metric names and their descriptions can be found in the Envoy documentation.


To clean up resources created in this lab, run:

kubectl delete destinationrule web-frontend
kubectl delete -f web-frontend-failing.yaml
kubectl delete -f fortio.yaml