About Tetrate Tech Talks¶
A series of broadcasts that runs every Friday at 9:00 AM Pacific streamed to YouTube and to LinkedIn Live.
- Learning and sharing knowledge
- Getting to know the diverse members of the service mesh community
- Have fun!
Episodes present a technical topic and feature a guest.
I'm your host, Eitan Suez¶
I work at Tetrate, and I like to talk tech.
If you're with us live, I invite you to say hello to everyone in the chat.
Previously on Tetrate Tech Talks..¶
- May 20 - KubeCon EU Report from Valencia, Spain
- May 27 - Istio multicluster install scenario
- All past episodes are on our YouTube playlist.
Our episode..¶
Learn about the Certified Istio Administrator [by Tetrate] (CIAT) exam
If you've been considering obtaining Tetrate's Istio certification exam, this episode is for you. Here we will explore this exam, from what it is, to how to register, what are the prerequisites, and ways to prepare and pass the certification exam.
Our Guest: Peter Jausovec, Tetrate¶
Peter helped create the CIAT exam. At Tetrate, Peter is responsible for much of Tetrate's education activities from authoring our Istio Fundamentals and Envoy fundamentals courses to customer training, workshops on Web Assembly, and more.
- Tetrate Academy
- On the Tetrate blog..
- Independent blog entry (medium)
- Past Istio Weekly episode on Tetrate's certification
- Certification Handbook
- Tips (on Tetrate's community slack) from a recent certified individual
Upcoming Events¶
- June 8/9: Introduction to Tetrate Service Bridge (TSB)
- June 14: Istio 0 to 60 workshop
- June 15: Istio WASM Extensions workshop
- June 16: Envoy Gateway webinar
See Tetrate Events for details & to register.
Upcoming Episodes¶
- Friday June 10 @ 9AM Pacific: Tetrand Profile, with José Carlos Chavez from R&D, on Web Application Firewalls (WAF)
Istio Certification¶
Certified Istio Administrator by Tetrate
If you already obtained your Kubernetes certifications, the next logical step is Istio certification. When you're ready, we have the certification exam available for you to take.
Join the conversation..¶
Here is the Invite URL to our community Slack organization https://tetrate-community.slack.com/