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Upgrading Istio

This document demonstrates upgrading Istio in a way that allows operators to be in control of the transition of workloads from one version to the next.

This document is an adaptation of the document entitled Canary Upgrades from the official Istio documentation.

The BookInfo sample application will serve as the workload under test.


Feature status of Revision Based Upgrades is alpha

In this exercise, we will:

  • Install a Kubernetes cluster
  • Install Istio v1.12.5
  • Deploy the BookInfo sample application to the default namespace.

Next, we:

  • Install Istio v1.13.2, triggering solely the upgrade of the ingress gateway (not the workloads)
  • Demonstrate namespace labeling as the mechanism for controlling the desired version of Istio to use for workloads in that namespace.
  • Teardown previous version of Istio, completing the upgrade.

Finally, we will demonstrate an alternative to labeling namespaces directly, by using what Istio calls Revision Tags.


In the instructions that follow, I use GCP as my infastructure, but feel free to use any Kubernetes you like.

Create a K8s Cluster

gcloud container clusters create my-istio-cluster \
  --cluster-version latest \
  --machine-type "n1-standard-2" \
  --num-nodes "3" \
  --network "default"

Wait until cluster is ready.

Client Setup

In a workspace directory of your choice, download two Istio releases, 1.12.5 and 1.13.2.

Be sure to use the hardware architecture matching your workstation:

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.12.5 TARGET_ARCH=arm64 sh -
curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.13.2 TARGET_ARCH=arm64 sh -

Setting your PATH

I use direnv to easily update my PATH so that istioctl points to version 1.12.5 or version 1.13.2 as a function of the directory that i navigate to.

Given a file named .envrc in the folder istio-1.12.5:


export PATH=./bin:$PATH

I can run direnv allow, and note that running istioctl version from that directory returns 1.12.5.

Likewise, the same file in the istio-1.13.2 directory allows me to quickly switch to that version.

Install Istio


istioctl x precheck


istioctl install --set revision=1-12-5


k get pods -n istio-system
k get svc -n istio-system
k get mutatingwebhookconfigurations

Check the ingressgateway Istio version:

istioctl proxy-status

Label the default namespace

k label namespace default


k get ns

Deploy BookInfo

kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml


kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -c ratings -- curl -sS productpage:9080/productpage | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"

Configure ingress:

kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml


GATEWAY_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Open a browser and visit the BookInfo product page (at /productpage).

curl $GATEWAY_IP/productpage

Verifying that workloads use version 1.12.5

  1. With istioctl proxy-status

    istioctl proxy-status
  2. Checking the server_info endpoint of a sidecar:

    istioctl dashboard envoy deployment/details-v1.default

    And check that the ANNOTATIONS revision is 1-12-5

  3. Describe the pod

    k describe pod details-v1-<tab>

Switch directories

cd ../istio-1.13.2

Make sure your PATH now points to version 1.13.2 of the istioctl CLI:

istioctl version

Install Istio version 1.13.2


istioctl x precheck


istioctl install --set revision=1-13-2


istioctl analyze

Also, see the istioctl analyze command reference, and configuration analysis messsages. Possible false positive and Gateway resource.

  • Both 1-13-2 and 1-12-5 istiod's are installed
  • ingressgateway has been upgraded to 1.13.2
  • Pods still use 1-12-5


k get pods -n istio-system


istioctl proxy-status

Update namespace label

kubectl label namespace default --overwrite


k get ns

Restart the deployments in the default namespace

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n default
istioctl proxy-status

Teardown the old version

istioctl x uninstall --revision 1-12-5

Verify that the bookinfo application is still alive and well.

Using Revision Tags

Instead of specifying the actual revision we want, we use a semantic name, like prod:

k label ns default --overwrite

And then associate prod to a revision:

istioctl tag set prod --revision 1-13-2


istioctl tag list

To change what prod means, we associate a different revision to it:

istioctl tag set prod --revision 1-12-5 --overwrite

What about the Gateways?

Gateways can be canary-ugraded instead of using in-place upgrades.

Here's an outline of the recipe:

  1. Install istiod by itself (no gateway) by using the minimal profile.
  2. Install the gateway separately by using the empty profile.
  3. Can canary-deploy the gateway by creating a second deployment, and labeling the deployment with to control which sidecar version is bundled into the pod.
  4. This is explained in more detail here.

Closing thoughts

  • Operators can make available a new version of Istio and notify developers to update their workloads on their own time.
  • Develop a process, and automation for implementing Istio ugprades, and rollbacks. Start by listening to Pratima Nambiar from Salesforce in her Istio Community Talk.
