Episode 16¶
Friday 2022.08.12 @ 9:00 AM Pacific time / 11:00 AM Central time
Topic: Learn Istio from the Inside - continued¶
On July 1 2022 we recorded the first episode on the subject Learning Istio from the Inside, in which we demonstrated how to build and run Istio locally, and how to configure one's workstation with the Istio codebase for development.
The next natural step is to dig into some code. For this purpose, I have invited Tetrate Engineer and Istio maintainer, Aditya Prerepa.
Aditya has previously spoken about the effectiveness of learning Istio by studying the code and its automated tests, as opposed to the more traditional method of reading a project's reference documentation. We thought we'd ask Aditya to "show us how it's done."
Guest: Aditya Prerepa¶
Aditya Prerepa is a talented Tetrate engineer and Istio maintainer who also happens to be rather young. Aditya is entering his first year of university in the Fall of 2022. You are invited to watch a past Istio Weekly episode where Aditya recounts "how I started contributing to Istio and Envoy."
Your Host: Eitan Suez¶
Eitan will be hosting this episode.