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Development environment

We've tested and developed all labs have on Linux. Make sure you have the following installed before going through the labs:

Installing func-e CLI

Let's get started by downloading func-e CLI and installing it to /usr/local/bin:

curl | bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

Once downloaded, let's run it to make sure all is good:

func-e --version
func-e version 1.1.3

Installing TinyGo

TinyGo powers the SDK we'll be using as Wasm doesn't support the official Go compiler.

Let's download and install the TinyGo:

sudo dpkg -i tinygo_0.26.0_amd64.deb

You can run tinygo version to check the installation is successful:

tinygo version
tinygo version 0.26.0 linux/amd64 (using go version go1.19.4 and LLVM version 14.0.0)

Installing Istio

To install Istio, we'll need access to the Kubernetes cluster. Then, we can download and install the Istio using the demo profile:

curl -L | sh -

To install Istio using the demo profile, run:

istioctl install --set profile=demo -y