We've tested and developed all labs on Ubuntu 20.04.4 Linux WSL. Make sure you have the following installed before going through the labs:
aws CLI per AWS Docs
AWS user with ability to:
- complete AWS Marketplace purchases (the transaction in this workshop is $0 (FREE) but permissions still required). The subscription process details are explained in the next module (add policies AWSMarketplaceImageBuildFullAccess and AWSMarketplaceManageSubscriptions to your user)
- create and access EKS clusters with eksctl in your AWS account (the required minimum permissions)
- additional custom permissions to manupulate the EKS cluster
- Run AWS Configure per AWS instruction
eksctl is deployed (OR a newly created EKS Cluster available). Below are the default commands:
tar is installed (should be part of your Linux OS)
the link to video demonstration of the steps.