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Get AWS and EKS access

  • Log into the AWS web console at . When logged in, check the correct region is selected.

  • Configure AWS CLI with the access details on your desk. When asked for a default output format, you probably want "table". Detailed docs for reference.

    aws configure --profile scale

  • Use that new AWS profile

    export AWS_PROFILE=scale

  • Clear any previous AWS overrides

    env | grep 'AWS_'
    unset AWS_FOO

  • Check AWS CLI is configured corectly

    aws iam get-user --output json | jq -r '.User.UserName'

  • Find your cluster. Your cluster name is based on your user name, you just need to find the suffix

    aws eks list-clusters

  • Generate a kubeconfig for it

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --kubeconfig kubeconfig-scale.yaml --name <cluster-name>

  • Use that kubeconfig file

    export KUBECONFIG="$(pwd)"/kubeconfig-scale.yaml

  • Check kubectl is configured correctly

    kubectl get nodes